Margaret River Region

The Margaret River Region in WA's South-West is a treasure trove of beautiful landscapes, a playground for fun and adventure and a food bowl filled with delicious produce and beautiful wines. It is a place where we have done a lot of work and a place that we hold dear. We were approached in 2022 to develop an expansive brand identity system that could promote everything that the region has to offer in a way that felt true its personality.

Using a logotype that was developed by Eastern States branding studio UNKL,
we developed an expanded kit of parts that included brand language, pattern, illustration, iconography and type and photography treatments.

The cohesive style accurately paints a picture of the region’s beauty and the many unique sights, scenes and activities that can be explored by tourists and locals alike. The region that is rich in natural assets, now has a branding system with rich visual assets of its own.

Brand Identity
Brand Guidelines
Publication Design
EDM Design


Super Tetsudo


Lucy Luu